Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Assignments and Lab Reports Essay

Assessment By now you should have a good understanding of the scientific method and its importance in contributing to scientific knowledge. Grab your lab coat and get ready to design your own experiment. In this assignment, you will be doing two things: Evaluate an experiment. Designing your own experiment using the scientific method. Part I: Evaluate An Experiment Review each scenario below and choose ONE to complete for part I of your assignment. Read the scenario, and answer the questions using concepts learned in the lesson. Be sure to respond to each question in complete sentences and with supporting detail. Choose only ONE of the four scenarios below. Part I is worth 10 points. Scenarios (only select one): Scenario 1: Scenario 2: Scenario 3: Scenario 4: Part II: Designing an Experiment For the second part of your assignment, you get to apply the scientific method to a real life situation. Just as you saw within the lesson, the steps of the scientific method can be used to address the problem of finding the best directions to the movie theater, figuring out how to get grass to grow in your lawn, determining what color light helps plants grow fastest,  or answering a variety of other questions. Think about a scenario or problem that could occur in your life in which you can apply the scientific method to answer the question or solve the problem. Explain how you would follow each step of the scientific method and design an experiment. Please note that you are only describing what you would do at each step, you will not actually conduct the experiment. Part II is worth 20 points. Please be sure to write in complete sentences and use the â€Å"steps you need to include† and the rubric below to ensure you include sufficient detail.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Difference Between Religion and Spirituality

This paper draws from six published works that deal with psychological and scholarly research on religion and spirituality. The works vary in their definitions and use of the concepts and terminology of religion and spirituality. Hood et al. (2009) suggest that that social scientists have traditionally been able to make a distinction between religion and spirituality in their research. However, other psychologists contend that the definitions overlap. Therefore, the conceptual and operational definitions have been inconsistently used. This paper examines Hood et al. 2009) research in relationship to other works to suggest that a definitive definition of religion and spirituality should be developed and agreed upon to advance the science of religion. Keywords: religion, spirituality In order to explore the differences between religion and spirituality one must attempt to define these terms. However, religion and spirituality are complex concepts not easily or definitively definable; a t least not universally. Their meanings have changed over the course of time. At times they have been used synonymously. Yet, at other times religion and spirituality are considered distinct concepts having no overlap.A Study on Religion and the Role of It on People and Media†¦. Furthermore, religion and spirituality are sometimes viewed as if one encompasses the other. It seems to simply be a matter of opinion; who is defining religion, when and for what purpose. To compound this quandary, social Science research suggests that lay people, religious and psychological educators and researchers define religion and spirituality inconsistently. This makes it particularly difficult for the scientific world to even compare research findings on religion and or spirituality. Religion and spirituality are complex and diverse cultural phenomenon. Hood, Hill, and Spilka (2009), stated â€Å"†¦what one person is sure to call religious may be far removed from another person’s understanding, especially when we begin to analyze religion across traditions and cultures† (p. 7). Western societies (especially in the United States) in the not too distant past, typically define religion as an institutionalized set of beliefs and rituals about God that is experienced and or practiced collectively. Conversely, other regions of the world (including eastern Asia) may define religion as encompassing multiple Gods or even no Gods (e. . ungodly supernatural entities) (Hood, et al. , 2009). Hood et al. , (2009) contend that Americans now use the term spirituality in place of religion. Nelson (2009), agrees with Hood et al. , that spirituality has become a synonym for religion. According to Nelson (2009), religion traditionally referred to all aspects of a human’s search for and relationship to a divine or transcendent (something greater than ourselves). Using the terminology of religion and spirituality interchangeably may be common practice but it doesn’t mean that they mean the same things. Like religion, spirituality has been defined in a myriad of ways. In ancient times spirituality was associated with the Hebrew Christian traditions (Ottaway, 2003). Through the 19th century spirituality was often considered to be synonymous with spiritualism. Spiritualism referred to contact with spirits, the supernatural, and psychic phenomena (Nelson, 2009). Hence, spirituality was considered negatively up until the 21st century. According to Nelson (2009), presently â€Å"the term is often used to denote the experiential and personal side of our relationship to the transcendent or sacred† (p. ). Nelson suggests that the people who use this definition tend to view religion as a distinct narrow concept. They typically define religion as â€Å"the organizational structures, practices, and beliefs of a religious group†, (Nelson, 2009, p. 8). The rise in popularity of spirituality in the last two decades has exaggerated the distinction and or lack of distinction between r eligion and spirituality. Whereas, some modern Americans use the terms interchangeably, others (especially those who abhor mainstream religions and all they are associated with) do not. The latter group might prefer to say that they are â€Å"spiritual but not religious†, (Zinnbauer, et al. , 1997). Conversely, people who unknowingly embrace Epstein’s (1993, 1994) Cognitive-Experiential Self-Theory (CEST) may view spirituality and religion as distinct concepts that are nonetheless related (Hill, 1999). I believe that religion and spirituality can be two distinct concepts but that currently the line between the two is too blurry to be able to distinguish one from the other. One could experience religion without experiencing spirituality (e. g. teenager forced to attend church but merely going through the motions). On the other hand, one could also experience spirituality (e. g. a sense of â€Å"awe† in the presence of nature or enlightenment during meditation) in the absence of religion. Additionally, one could experience both spirituality and religion in the context of the other. For example, one could meditate communally with others in an insti tutional setting (typical of a religious experience) and experience spirituality. Another example is that one could attend church (typical of a religious experience) and meditate individually during the church service. At this point in time, religion and spirituality overlap in a plethora of ways. Each can have a reverence to a God, Gods, or a higher supernatural power or powers. Likewise, religion and spirituality can each have private, public, personal, communal, conscious, unconscious, tangible, intangible, subjective and objective components to them. One difference between spirituality and religion is that â€Å"spirituality does not require an institutional framework†, (Hood, et al, 2009, p. 11). Another difference is that religion does not require communal practices (e. g. an elderly invalid can religiously pray at home). My views on religion and spirituality are that of a layperson and an aspiring psychologist and are indubitably confusing. However, my view doesn’t seem to differ substantially from others (laypersons, religious professionals and scholars, and social science professionals and researchers), as a finite definition for religion or spirituality is nonexistent (Zinnbauer et al. , 2010; Hood et al. , 2009, Nelson, 2009). According to Hood et al. (2009), a traditional distinction exists between religion and spirituality in the research literature, therefore the two terms are not used synonymously. Hood et al. (2009) explains that spirituality is viewed as personal and psychological, while religion is viewed as institutional and sociological. Basically, Hood et al. (2009), contends that religion is steeped in tradition and institution, whereas, spirituality has to do with a person’s personal beliefs, values and behaviors. This definition seems to be consistent with how religion and spirituality were defined between the 19th and 21st centuries. However, it should be noted, that Hood et al. 2009) also, later state that â€Å"in fact it is safe to say that even we three authors of this text do not fully agree with each other about the meaning of these terms† (p. 11). To compound matters, other psychologists suggest that religion and spirituality are used inconsistently in the research literature. Zinnbauer et al, (1997) argue that although social scientists have attempted to define, study, and theorize about religion and spirituality, they have done so inconsistently . â€Å"Still, the ways in which the words are conceptualized an used are often inconsistent in the research literature† (p. 549). According to Bender (2007) religion has been associated with a formal or institutional system and expression of belief and practices that is corporate, public, and conscious in scholarly studies. Conversely, spirituality has been defined as individual, private and unconscious, (Bender, 2007). Due to the inconsistencies in the definitions and use of religion and spirituality a pilot study was conducted to ascertain how religious professionals defined and evaluated religion and spirituality. The 2006 study conducted by Corine Hyman and Paul Handal at Saint Louis University in Missouri included Imans, Ministers, Priests, and Rabbis. These religious experts were asked to conceptually define religion and spirituality and to identify if there were any overlaps between the two. The study findings indicate that there were overlaps between the two concepts. However, religion was defined in a traditional sense of objective, institutional and ritualistic and spirituality was defined as subjective, internal and divine or transcendent (Hyman & Handal , 2006). Another study, this time conducted at the Maryland University, attempted to discern how lay people define religion and spirituality and how they make distinctions between the two. The participants in this study consisted of sixty-seven adults aged 61 to 93 who lived in three different retirement communities (Schlehofer, Omoto, A. M. , Adelman, 2008). The research findings indicate that the participants were better able to define religion concretely, than they were able to define spirituality. â€Å"In fact, some participants were not able to define spirituality at all†, (Schlehofer et al. , 2008). The afore mentioned studies illustrate that defining religion and spirituality is an ongoing task and not easily surmountable. This of course, makes the task of operationally defining religion and spirituality even harder. According to Bender (2007), spirituality is typically measured by asking questions about psychological well-being, experience, and self-identification; while religion is measured by questions about activities and doctrine. Although, many operational definitions have been developed and used to measure religion and spirituality, how does one actually know what one is measuring if the thing(s) that one is measuring is not clearly defined? CONCLUSIONS and Future Study: Ergo, in order to try to understand how religion and or spirituality affect all aspects of a person’s life, it is prudent for the scientific community to agree on what it is that they are actually researching. Once, the terms are defined and agreed upon, then they can operationally define each term. Only then, can psychologists more confidently conduct research and analysis to understand the true effects of religion and spirituality and make comparisons about those findings.ReferencesBender, C. (2007). Religion and Spirituality: History, Discourse, Measurement. Retrieved from   Hill, P. C. (1999). Giving religion away: What the study of religion offers psychology. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 94(4), 229-249. Hood, R. W., Hill, P. C., Spilka, B. (2009). The Psychology of Religion, 2, 7-11. Hyman, C., & Handal, P. J. (2006). Definitions and evaluation of religion and spiritua lity items by religious professionals: A pilot study. Journal of Religion and Health, 45(2), 264-282. doi:, J. M. (2009). Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality. Introduction to Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality. Retrieved from Schlehofer, M. M., Omoto, A. M. and Adelman, J. R. (2008). How do â€Å"religion† and â€Å"spirituality† differ? Lay Defintions among Older Adults. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 47: 411-425. Zinnbauer, B. J., Pargament, K. I., Cole, B., Rye, M.S., Butter, E. M., Belavich, T.G., Hipp, K. M., Scott, A. B., Kadar, J. L. (1997). Religion and Spirituality: Unfuzzing the Fuzzy. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 36 (4). Retrieved from  

Monday, July 29, 2019

Alexander The Great

Alexander The Great Essay Alexander The Great Essay is said to be one of the greatest conquerors of all time, and yet, his significance in battle showed up late in his life. His early years were spent in poverty, and as the years progressed, his dream of being a war hero grew dimmer and dimmer.Ironically, while he was later known as a war hero, he was still feared by all because of his reputation as a drinker and murderer. But first, his background. He was born in 356 BC. His parents were Philip, the brother of King Perdiccas III of Macedon, in Northern Greece. His mother was Olympias, daughter of King Neoptolemus I of Epirus, in modern Albania. He also had a younger sister, Cleopatra (not the famous Egyptian queen).However, this family was not as ordinary as one might think. In fact, his parents absolutely hated each other. Philip had complied with Macedonian tradition and had a few wives. Soon, one of his wives had a baby which had mysteriously become disabled after birth. It was said that the disability was due to poisoning from Olympias. Olympias sometimes told Alexander that Philip wasnt his real father, but this probably wasnt true.After all, Philip certainly did seem to care for Alexander as if he was his real son. He even appointed Aristotle himself as Alexanders first and only tutor. Yet, there were some things about Alexander that made Philip angry. He hated the fact that his was very skinny and the fact that he had a high-pitched voice. Still, Alexander felt lucky to have this man as his father and mentor. In 359 BC, when Alexander was three, Philips Brother, King Peridcaas III, died. It was originally planned that his son, Amyntas, was tosucceed him with Philip as his regent, but Philip usurped his nephews throne and made himself King Philip II. In a few decades, he proved to be a stronger king and he eventually conquered most of Greece. When he was in his teens, Alexanders father came to him one day and told him that he had to leave to fight in a war. Thus Alexander, being his regent, would have to serve for the time being. While his father was away, Alexander led an expedition to a wild region of modern day Bulgaria. Here, he found a race of wild barbarians, whom he later subdued. He, then, established his first city, Alexandropolis, at the site of this defeat. This made his strength apparent to everyone and consequently became general of his fathers army. However, things still werent amiable between father and son. On one occasion, Philip was attacked and hurt by rioters and he fell and played dead on the ground. Alexander shielded the attackers away and his father lived, but he never acknowledged the fact that Alexander saved his life. Alexander deeply resented him for this. Alexander was known for his many temper tantrums. One memorable one was during a dinner party celebrating his final marriage. His uncle gave a toast saying that he hoped that they would have a child to take over throne. Alexander replied,; so am I just a bastard?; and he threw his goblet at his uncle. This started such a great brawl between the two that Philip stood up and drew his sword at Alexander, but fell over drunk before he got even close to him. To this Alexander yelled, ;Look, men,hes about to cross from Europe to Asia, and he falls crossing from chair to chair.; This incident forced Alexander and his mother to leave Macedon, but, several years later, they reconciled with him and moved back. However, soon after their return, Philip was stabbed by the Captain of his bodyguards while he was entering the theater that his nephews wedding was being held in. The assassin fled across a vineyard. READ: Roman Aqueducts: An Engineering Brilliance Essay He might have escaped, but a vine caught his foot and he tripped. He was killed by some other bodyguards instantly. Philips death in 336 BC lead Alexander to succeed him and become King Alexander III. By this time, he was twenty years old. It was said that he was an incredibly handsome man and he always was clean shaven. Although he was a heavy drinker, he .

Modern and Avant-garde art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Modern and Avant-garde art - Essay Example The term avant-garde is refers to vanguard or advance guard, meaning works that are innovative or experimental or innovative with respect to politics, art and culture. Avant-garde involves going beyond the boundaries of what is generally accepted as a norm in a society or the status quo mainly in the cultural realm. Since the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, performance and art have undergone significant transformations as a result of the avant-garde practice. The term modern in respect to the avant-garde practice in art and performance around these times denotes the activities, and visible and transformational results of people who felt that traditional forms of art and performance were becoming outdated. In the 1980s, there was an assertion that it was relevant to entirely reject previous norms. The society was supposed to desist from revisiting the past knowledge by relating them to current techniques. Like other aspects of like physics, art and performance als o witnessed growing movement in line with this ideology. The result of this is that in the first fifteen years of the 20th century, many artists, thinkers and, writers managed to break with the traditional ways of organizing painting, music, literature and painting. Cranestates that Avant-garde writers who saw themselves as being modernized abandoned bourgeois values and begun bothering their readers with new styles and forms that were difficult and complex in nature. Modernization also led to a change in the continuity.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Public Policy Agenda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Public Policy Agenda - Essay Example Agenda setting mark the primary step towards finding solutions to life problems. Evidently, the world is full of many public problems. This ranges from social challenges, public intrusion to health complications. All these challenges require both human intervention and political interception; however, in many instances viable answers fail to appear. In such instances, agenda setting remains the most viable option for solutions. Many organizations within or outside the government rely on agenda setting for solutions. Agenda setting is the ability to prioritize issues based on importance. The prioritization and opportunity cost incurred during decision make agenda setting a key recipe in public problems. It, however, is important to note that agenda setting does not give an overall look at a public problem but an integrated approach. Notably, the government has a sole role of providing and guaranteeing services for the public both at the present and the future. In many instances, some problems fail to appear in the government’s radar due to many reasons. To start with is the fact that government decisions are based on importance, priority and magnitude of problems. As a result, diseases that affect a limited magnitude of people cannot get attention as compared to a serious disease that spread and affects many people. In addition, government decisions and agenda setting remain based on interest and economic benefit various decisions derive to the public. A feeder road within the village cannot be considered before tarmacking a road leading to an industrial area. As a result, the feeder road may not appear or acquire the government’s attention although it is a problem. There are different kinds of agendas based on role, arrangement and results. Traditional agenda according to the Roberts rule of order puts items in order

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Compare and contrast the key features of public and private sector Essay

Compare and contrast the key features of public and private sector organisations and explain how these might impact on the role - Essay Example Public sector involve organisations owned and operated by government or their agents and are mostly set up not for profit, but to offer essential services to the public, though profit still reminds one of the objectives of such organisations. Public sectors will major in owning, producing, providing, allocating and delivering goods and services for the government or the public, on either local or international levels, with service provision being more important than making profits. The managers are government appointees, making public companies political institutions. Private organisations. These ere organisations set up, owned, financed, and operated by business people with the single aims of harnessing opportunities to make a profit. The government in private companies only plays a regulatory role through its legal framework, but does not involve in any decision making in such organisations. Their main aim is to invest and harness resources as much as possible to make the maximum p rofit possible from the community. Similarities between private and public companies Service to the public. Both the public and private companies are set up to serve a particular public need, though a private company is responsible to its shareholders and investors to offer such services at a profit. Competition. There are many private companies providing services similar to the public sector services; they all compete for customers and resources, as well as market for their products and services. Examples are schools or healthcare faculties. Organisational hierarchy. Both public and private organisations have different staff occupying differently levels of decision making process, though in the private sector such hierarchies may have different tag names. In the two sectors, hierarchy structure is set to delegate work to the appropriate sections or levels (Kearney, Hisrich, & Roche 2009, 28). Differences between Private and Public Companies Organisation level One factor that charac terizes the public sector is the many formal processes that must be in place to make such an organisation function appropriately (ESADE, 2011). Decision process in public companies involves more degrees of consultations to formalize, leading to increased bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is defined and the regulations, procedures, and rules that have to be adhered to, but have little or no efficacy to the functional object of the rules themselves (ESADE, 2011). Bureaucracy in public sector is mostly due to the divisions of authority between the executive, legislature, and judiciary arms of the government, which have to be involved in the decision making process. On the other hand, private firms are more efficient and have no elaborate formalisation to put in place. Once they have complied with the legal procedures, they can be as small as the owners prefer and as large as possible, with decision making being retained at the senior management level. This makes private sector more efficient in decision making. Market Economy Another difference between private and public sectors is the market economy and economic systems. The public sector has to provide

Friday, July 26, 2019

Wolf Motors Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wolf Motors - Case Study Example Mr. Wolf is concerned about the availability of the team members with the right traits as the right people is most essential for apt after sales service. Also, the company resorts to adequate forecasting of demand of products based on historical data as well as factors like seasonality. The owner also put due emphasis on the investments and storage space as he focuses more upon purchasing of parts and materials. John Wolf should look forward to devise an efficient supply chain strategy so that he could strengthen the dealership network. Application of ERP framework is highly recommended. Also, he could use methods like ‘Just in Time’. Purchasing policies differ because while purchasing the materials and spare parts, they have to purchase those directly from the branded stores like GM. But again when the company purchased oils and lubricants, they could purchase those from any store. Sometimes, the spare parts are purchased by Wolf Motors to be utilized in the after-sales service while many a times such parts are directly sold to the customers. Therefore, the purchasing policies differed with respect to different items. With efficient supply chain design and integration, John Wolf could reduce the working capital as well as transit time to a great extent. Dedicated enterprise resource planning architecture can help in managing the balance between the dealers and the buyers. The efficient management of the closing stock holds the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Dinosaurs Extinction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dinosaurs Extinction - Essay Example Variations in the time range of activities often render the theory somewhat problematic. However, the theory provides some important insights that attend to issues relating to meteorite activity in relation to the extinction of the dinosaurs. The explanation weaves into other scientific explanations such as the Darwinian Theory of survival for the fittest in order to expand the understanding of the nature of impact as it affected the survival of various animal species following the massive disruption of the food chain (Michael 1). In this regard, the weight of this theory could be assessed from the perspective of some of the issues that attend to the relationship between organisms and nature. This study assigned significant focus on the theory of volcanism in order to provide alternative points of view to the causal relationship between the theory and the other attendant factors that affected species in various ways.The theory of volcanism is based on the relationship between climate change and the extinction of species. In general, terms the volcanic activities that happened within the Cretaceous period in regions of western India. According to those who hold onto the theory of volcanism, the heavy volcanic activities resulted in the emission of massive amounts of sulfur and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Therefore, processes such as photosynthesis were significantly affected (Michael 2). The result was a shortage of food that led to the extinction of vulnerable species such as dinosaurs.... In this regard, the weight of this theory could be assessed from the perspective of some of the issues that attend to the relationship between organisms and nature. This study assigned significant focus on the theory of volcanism in order to provide alternative points of view to the causal relationship between the theory and the other attendant factors that affected species in various ways. The theory of volcanism is based on the relationship between climate change and the extinction of species. In general, terms the volcanic activities that happened within the Cretaceous period in regions of western India. According to those who hold onto the theory of volcanism, the heavy volcanic activities resulted in the emission of massive amounts of sulfur and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Therefore, processes such as photosynthesis were significantly affected (Michael 2). The result was shortage of food that led to the extinction of vulnerable species such as dinosaurs. However, the stu dy points out one challenge that relates to the difficulty in pinpointing the exact point in time when these volcanic activities took place. The concerns raised in the study are consistent with other refutations that have established a problematic relationship between the action and consequence of the activity. Fastovan and Sheekan (4) study the extinction of the dinosaurs with special focus on North America. The two authors argued that the event took place in an instantaneous fashion. This study explores multiple other perspectives that attempt to situate the dinosaur extinction phenomenon within definite geographical and historical setting. Fastovan and Sheekan

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

War and peace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

War and peace - Essay Example The Zionist argument is that they appeared in Palestine in the late 19th century with the intention of reclaiming their ancestral land. Jews purchased land and started putting up the Jewish community. Palestinian Arabs with violent opposition tried to force the Jewish out of the land, but the Zionist reacted with force to defend themselves. This same case exists up to date. The Zionist movement, from the start, desired to completely dispossess the indigenous Arab inhabitants so that Israel could be completely a Jewish state (Bennis 58). The land purchased by the Jewish Fund was in custody of the Jewish and could not be sold or leased to Arabs. The Arab population, as it became aware of the Zionists’ desires and intentions, it opposed further immigrations of the Jewish. The Arab population also opposed further sale of land to the Zionists. The sale of land to the Zionists exerted an immense danger to the existence of Arab community in Palestine. Because of the opposition, the w hole project of Zionist could not be realized without the backing of the British military. The Zionists did not mind about the real inhabitants of the land they believed in colonialist view that the rights of the original inhabitants did not matter. All that the Zionist wanted was total or partial entitlement to the land. On the other hand, the Arab’s opposition to the Zionists was not based on anti-Semitism, but on a reasonable fear of dispossession of their populace. Because of these two oppositions, the conflict continues. Palestine became an Arab and Islamic state by the end of the seventh century. Its boundaries and characteristics became known almost immediately. The occupants of the land at the time believed that they lived in a land known as Palestine. However, after the establishment of Israel in 1948, everything changed. The land, which the inhabitants of Palestine referred to as Palestine, part of it, was now Israel. The Palestine and the Israelis oppose each other regarding the land. Each group seeks to fight for the land, which they believe is theirs. This opposition increases daily and deepens as the two groups engage in the fight and kill one another’s group. The fight could have been halted a long time ago if there existed no opposition to the land. For a very long time, the ancient Arabs who have been existing on the land were the majority as the Zionist came to purchase land and establish their community. In this case, when the Arabs discovered the intentions of the Zionists of forcing out of the Arab community, the Arabs gained opposition to the move since they wanted to retain their ancestral land and at the same time, the Arabs were the majority. There was no way; the Arabs could have allowed a minor community to force them out of their inherited soil. On the other hand, the Zionist could not give up gaining ownership of the land for their benefit. As the two sides oppose each other, the conflict continues to exist between th e two communities (Tessler 73). According to the founder of Zionism, the aim of the Zionist was to split the penniless population, who were the Arabs, across the border through procuring employment in transit countries. The process of expropriating and removing of the poor was to be carried out circumspectly and discreetly. However, at

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Teaching Demonstration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Teaching Demonstration - Essay Example This enhances their acquisition of actual meaning. Each 5x7 card will have a picture on it of the noun or verb (thing or action) that the player will try to communicate to the class. The target word will be under the picture on the card. The forbidden words will be listed on the card with light red lines through them in a X (crossed out). The teacher will ask students for synonyms and related words and write them on the board. Then the teacher will cross out the words with an X to show that these words are â€Å"taboo†. The class will discuss what â€Å"taboo† means. Teacher: This is the target word. (Teacher points to the word Truck.) These crossed out words in red are â€Å"taboo†. You cannot use them. Who can think of other words you can use to get someone to say this word without seeing the picture? Raise your hand and I will call on you. The teacher should carry on demonstrating and maybe using a student or two and helping them until the class becomes very involved. Points can be given to each student who successfully communicates a word. Each student to guess the word becomes the next communicator. The lesson can be timed or limited by the number of cards available. When all of the allotted cards are used or time runs out the student with the most points is the winner. The game can also be played by dividing the students into two teams and alternating players in the same way or simply having each team member take a turn as communicator. This game is fun and easy to prepare. Even the students can make their own cards for the game and each team can contribute a set of cards for the game. Hu (2002) said that traditional teaching methods with grammar and vocabulary drill and practice â€Å"failed to develop an adequate level of communicative competence (i.e. the ability to use the target language for authentic communication)†. With this game two things are accomplished: 1) the students are

Luxury brands growth in India Essay Example for Free

Luxury brands growth in India Essay Lack of quality luxury space, environment and dearth of high street or super premium malls is a prime reason for restricted presence of luxury brands in India, thus there is a dire need for modernized and dedicated luxury retail areas in protected vicinities such as airports, according to a recent ASSOCHAM-KPMG joint study. Setting up stores in high streets affects luxury retailers profitability due to sky-rocketing rental costs, moreover, high streets are very cluttered, crowded and are unsuitable due to the absence of exclusive ambience that luxury retail demands, according to a study on Challenges highlighted by luxury retailers in India, jointly conducted by The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) and KPMG. The Indian luxury market grew at a healthy rate of 30% to reach $8. 5 billion in 2013 and is likely to continue growing at a healthy pace of about 20%, and reach $14 billion by 2016 owing to rising number of wealthy people, growing middle class, affluent young consumers and other related factors. Though, India currently enjoys just one-two per cent share in the global luxury market but it is the fifth most attractive market for international retailers. Fragmented and diversified consumer base in India is another significant challenge being faced by luxury retailers in India as high net worth individual ( HNI) consumers are not easy to reach, noted the ASSOCHAM-KPMG study. Luxury brands need to strategically design their growth plans to tap demand across three categories of HNIs, namely the inheritors (traditionally wealthy) who are habitual spenders; the professional elite who are discerning spenders; a large segment of business giants (entrepreneurs, owners of small and medium enterprises) who have the money but lack appreciation for fine luxury goods because of no prior exposure to such products, it added. There is a need for luxury brands to focus on expansion in the type and nature of products being offered and increasingly adopt innovative marketing plans to tap rapidly evolving consumer behavioral trends, said Mr D. S. Rawat, secretary general of ASSOCHAM while releasing findings of the study. Luxury retailers need to plan out of the box marketing strategies and come up with products that are tailor-made to suit the whims and fancies of varied Indian customers, said Rawat. Luxury is no longer a status symbol but is now a lifestyle and the global brands need to fast evolve and learn ways to adapt within the local environment so that they can get accustomed to nuances of the market by understanding the cultural identity of Indian consumers. Lack of policy support is another prominent challenge being faced by luxury brands in India, noted the ASSOCHAM-KPMG study. Despite strong demand momentum, Indian luxury market has not been viewed as policies and regulations friendly for the luxury retailers, the report said. Import duties (20-150 per cent) are relatively higher and this is considered as a key apprehension factor among the international players, who may resist them to frame aggressive growth plans for India, noted the study. Clauses such as 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in both single and multi-brand retail requires 30% of local sourcing, announced in the liberalized FDI policy in luxury retail in November 2013 could be difficult for the international luxury players to comply with. The duties are manifold ranging from customs duty, counter veiling duty (CVD), special additional tax, education cess adding to the overall cost, said Rawat. Besides, luxury retail is also affected by the system of maximum retail price as it applies to custom duties and to cascading after the custom taxes, thereby heavily penalizing foreign brands pushing their overall entrance costs by up to 40%. Lack of trained staff is another well-acknowledged challenge facing Indian luxury retail industry which requires greater discretion and knowledge on the part of a salesperson, further highlighted the ASSOCHAM-KPMG study. Shortage of skilled labour for the industry is a major cause of concern as it is difficult to make the local workforce understand the heritage and legacy of the brand along with the specific finishes involved in the manufacturing process, said Rawat. In the absence of these requisite skill sets, brands have no option but to manufacture in their country of origin; lack of skilled workers can also be attributed to the sales function where presentation and interpersonal skills form an integral element for the business. Growing prevalence of counterfeit luxury goods and a grey market are also hampering the growth of the industry, noted the ASSOCHAM-KPMG study. Most of these products belong to segments such as apparel, perfumes and accessories, which are usually lower ticket items and can be easily placed in grey channels. Luxury players in India continue to face supply side issues such as legal loopholes pertaining tointellectual property rights, inadequate means to monitor various emerging channels, and a growing number of online portals, among other factors, the study added. A collective, industry wide effort is likely to have a far-reaching impact in dealing with the issue as seen in other industries such as films and music. Awareness and collaboration also needs to be built with authorities, who have experienced major revenue losses   due to loss of taxes and duties, on how to deal with counterfeits, further suggested the study to counter the growing menace of counterfeit luxury products. Corrective measures need to be taken to banish the growth of grey luxury goods market in India which results in sizeable revenue losses for firms, said Rawat, and added that a strong legal structure combined with effective framework of intellectual property protection would help prevent dilution of brand image and reduced consumer trust. Measures in form of effective intellectual property enforcement, plugging loopholes in the legal and judicial structure and higher conviction rates can help curb the growth of fake luxury products, said Rawat. Information collected through secondary sources such as internet and local newspapers†¦

Monday, July 22, 2019

Family Relationship in Movie the Descendant Essay Example for Free

Family Relationship in Movie the Descendant Essay The King’s family depicted in the movie â€Å"The Descendant† reflects the family live style and dynamic in many of the typical middle income families. The core values that the King’s family fostering, such as love the nature, honest to each other and the united of the family, are in rooted with their heritage as the Hawaiian. The tragic incident of the main character Matt King’s wife Elizabeth provides an opportunity for Matt to review his relationship with his seventeen-years-old daughter Alexandra and ten-year-old daughter Scottie. During the coma of Elizabeth, Matt learned how to be a real father. He is growing with his daughters and building a strong relationship within his family. The author believes the King’s family in this movie set an adequate role model for families to learn how to reestablish a dysfunctional family to a healthy family. Primary Relationships Matt King is a lawyer specialized in real estate transaction. He is also a sole trustee of 25,000 aces of Kauai virgin land passed from his ancestor. He lives with his wife Elizabeth, older daughter Alexandra, who is 17 years old and a younger daughter Scottie, who is 10 years old in Hawaii. Matt is too concentrated to his work. He has very little time to be with his family members. He neglected his wife, he has not seriously talk to his wife for years, in fact, he hasnt talk to his wife three days before she had the boating accident and dying in the hospital. He doesn’t involve much with his daughters; he thinks that taking care of the daughter is her wifes responsibility. Since Matt hardly has time to Elizabeth, she has spend many her time in playing motor boat racing; parting with her friends, and heavily drinking. Until 23 days ago, she had an accident on her boat which was driving by her friend. Alexandra is in a boarding school because her parents want to discipline her with alcoholic and dating with older man issues. She loves her family members, however, she refused to talk to her mother after last Christmas because she found out that Elizabeth was dating another man, and she was angry with her for betraying her marriage. Scottie was a lost young girl. She has difficulty to make friends at school; she often uses inappropriate body language and profanity language when talking with people during she was angry. She likes to put on Alexandras under dress to express her eagerness of being a big girl. All the behavior of Scottie is try to get peoples attention. She wants people to care of her feeling and interact with her more. She revealed that all the behaviors and languages were learned from Alexandra. Scott is Elizabeths father. He loves Elizabeth dearly. In his eye, Elizabeth is a strong and thoughtful girl; she devoted one hundred percent to her family; and takes good care of the daughters. No one can compare with her, even the granddaughters. Familys Developmental Stage Kings family was living in a nuclear family with adolescent girl and young girl before the wife, Elizabeth was comatose. The absent of mother in the family, turned Matt, the father from a backup parent to in charge. The daughters have to adapt their fathers new role and live with a single parent; while all of the family members have to accept the death of Elizabeth. Before Elizabeth was hospitalized, this family was a dysfunctional family already. With Elizabeth alcoholism and life risk motorboat racing hobby, workaholic Matt, alcoholic recovery Alexandra, and left alone Scottie; the family was in the movement of centrifugal. It seems that Matt and Elizabeth did not have a parents system in the family. They did not set the clear boundaries to their daughters. Their daughters do not respect them and they do not have authorities. When Matt started to take charge of the family, he self-examination the familys development, and decided to change from a distance father to be a caring father. He constantly reminding his daughters to use the appropriated language and talking with people with respect, event the mother was not able to listen, they still need to talk to her the was to pay their respect. He draws a very clear boundary for their daughter of being respect to parents and grandparents. The family crisis of losing the mother provided a chance for them to be more closed to each other. Alexandra reflected from Scotties behavior and started to be a better role model for her young sister; she is lso a main support for her father to recover from the hurtful feeling of wifes infidelity, and defending her grandpas incorrect accusation of her father treating her mother. Scotties behavior is getting less dramatic. Matt and Alexandra spend time with her and educate her about selecting the right friend and avoid the bad influence her friends. Without the mother in their life, the structure of the family changed. Alexandra alliance with the father and they make the family reac ted to the crisis more positive and reduced the negative impact to the minimum. The family slowly moves toward the centripetal. Familys style of communication The family had a poor communication system before the tragic incident of Elizabeth. Matt neglects her wife; he had not talked with her for three days before the comatose and had not talked with her for serious matter for ten years. Matt also not communicate with his daughters well neither. He did not talk with her younger daughter since she was three years old. When Matt and Elizabeth found out the problem of her older daughter, they put her in boarding school. There were frequent verbal fighting in the family; Matt with Elizabeth, Elizabeth with Alexandra, and Alexandra with Scottie; for the issues of what they want. When Matt took charge of the family during Elizabeth was hospitalized, he often gave order to the daughters and the daughters often ignored him and kept to do things their way. At the last stage of the movie, the family life cycle has changed and they must to learn how to communicate better in order to live in a functional and health family. The non-verbal communication style in the last scent indicated that they are moving toward that direction. Strengths, Weakness and Clinical Problems The strength of the family is they love each others; they treasure the family as a whole and against anyone who try to break their unity. The weakness of the family is they lack of communication skill, they don’t devote enough time to each other as a family. Matt and Elizabeth have challenge on parenting their daughters. Matt complaining Elizabeth for not being a good role model and Elizabeth complaining Matt for neglecting her and the daughters only bought the high tension in the family, but not solve the problem. The couple has marriage issue and Matt may better take Elizabeths advice to seek professional help together. For their daughters behavior issues, they could go to family counseling together. Matt was being accused by Elizabeth about his out of touch of his own feeling; he could talk to the therapist how to feel about this accusation. Therapist could help Elizabeth find a better way to handle the drinking issue and the feeling of being neglect by Matt. Therapist could discuss with Alexandra what is the underneath cause to her drinking problem and wanted to data the older person. Therapist could talk to Scottie and help her to see the cost and benefit of using profanity language and inappropriate body language. As a whole family, therapist could guide them using effective language to address their concerns and avoid any angry complains. Have each of the family members to agree on getting a regular family time to bond their relationship. Relevant Gender Concerns Matt and Elizabeth were growing up in the Hawaii, and Matt has the blood of the indigenous royalty of Hawaii. The met in the law school and established their family later. The only relevant cultural concern would be the male supremacy. This reflected from the Elizabeth who had to stay home to take care of the daughters with a law degree, but Matt is devoted hundred percent of his effort and time to his law firm. Conclusion In the family development, it is normal to have family structure change and experience some different degree of family crisis. Some families can survive from the change or crisis; they adapt the new situation and move on to form a healthy family relationship. Some families cannot sustain the impact of the change or crisis; they fell apart and each of them develop a different kind of symptoms and hard to stay as a family anymore. With Kings family illustration, the author believes, if every family members willing to take their responsibilities, setting a goal for helping each other to living a better life, remaining family unity and love each other as their core value, having effective strategies, such as making clean boundaries from parent to children and making new alliance to a subsystem, then, such family will be not only survive but evolve from the crisis and living in a much healthier and functional family.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Marital Satisfaction And Gender Sociology Essay

Marital Satisfaction And Gender Sociology Essay Marital satisfaction also called marital quality is defined as the happiness and satisfaction one feels about their relationship with their spouse, as well as how well one feels their spouse fulfills their needs (Booth, Johnson, and Granger, 2005; Peleg, 2008). Marital satisfaction is the subject of much sociological research. Most of this research has focused on how certain influences affect marital satisfaction. Current research examines how factors such as division of labor, income, and parenthood affect marital quality (Kluwer, Heesink, and Van De Vliert, 1997; Tichenor, 1999; Cox, Paley, Burchinal and Payne, 1999). Studies shows that many factors play a role in the happiness spouses feel about their relationships. Much of the early research in this area focused on the traditional roles of husbands and wives. Because of recent trends such as the increase in dual-earner households and the fact that many women are making more money than their husbands, more recent studies focus on how gender role ideologies affect the marital relationship. Gender role ideology is how a person relates to family or marital roles that are usually linked to gender (Minnotte, Minnotte, Pederson, Mannon, and Kiger, 2010). Gender role ideologies are defined by Mickelson, Claffey, and Williams (2006) as spouses expectations of each other as well as of themselves within the context of the marital relationship. Mickelson et al. (2006) investigate the impact of egalitarian and traditional gender roles on marital satisfaction. Gender role ideology is shown to be a major influence on the levels of marital satisfaction reported by husbands and wives. Marital discord also influences marital satisfaction. Rogers (1999) defines m arital discord as problems and conflict in the marital relationship. Communication and interaction between spouses can have a major impact on marital quality. Does gender play a role in marital satisfaction? This article will examine previous research on the major factors that influence marital satisfaction, including gender role ideology, division of labor, income, children and parenthood, and communication and marital interaction beginning with the factors that correlate most with gender. GENDER ROLE IDEOLOGY Gender role ideology is defined by Minnotte et al. (2010) as the identity one assigns him- or herself with regard to gender-linked marriage or family roles. The difference in expectations between egalitarian and traditional gender roles can have a major impact on marital satisfaction. Lower marriage satisfaction in women seems to be the result of traditional gender role expectations (Ng, Loy, Gudmunson, and Cheong, 2009). However, lower marriage satisfaction in men tends to be influenced by egalitarian gender role expectations (Ng et al. 2009). Traditional relationships can appear to be less conflicted than egalitarian ones, but this is likely the result of conflict avoidance in the traditional relationship (Kluwer et al. 1997). Egalitarian relationships may seem to observers to have more conflict, however, they also have more communication and conflict resolution, whereas traditional relationships foster lower marital satisfaction by evading conflict management (Kluwer et al. 1997). Studies show that the gender role ideologies of husbands and wives play a significant role in their levels of marital quality. Mens marital quality is higher when the husband and wife share the same role ideology and is lower when the ideologies differ (Minnotte et al. 2010). When work responsibilities interfere with family responsibilities, the quality of marriage and other familial relationships can deteriorate. Minnotte et al. (2010) explain that egalitarian wives marital satisfaction suffers with relation to work-to-family conflict (lower marital satisfaction is related to high work-to-family conflict). Work-to-family conflict is defined as conflict that occurs when family needs are negatively impacted by the demands of ones work (Minnotte et al. 2010). DIVISION OF LABOR Division of labor continues to be a contentious issue between spouses. Saginak and Saginak (2005) define labor in the context of marriage and family as responsibilities of the home, including domestic, emotion and organizational work necessary to maintaining a family home. Dew and Wilcox (2011), Faulkner et al. (2005), and Ng et al. (2009) all report that a perception of inequitable distribution of household labor is directly related to marital dissatisfaction. In addition, Kluwer et al. (1997) report that just because a couple does not report household labor conflict doesnt mean that it is not present in their relationship. In traditional marriages, wives frequently avoid division of labor conflict, however discontent they may be, according to Kluwer et al. (1997). Evidence shows that instrumental support is crucial to marital satisfaction for egalitarian wives (Mickelson et al. 2006). However, the level of egalitarianism in men is negatively related to their marital satisfaction, probably because there is a higher expectation of household labor duties for egalitarian men compared to traditional men (Mickelson et al. 2006). This shows that in spite of egalitarian beliefs, many men still do not consider household labor their responsibility. INCOME The amount of money a woman makes doesnt influence marital quality in the ways we may think. Tichenor (1999) finds that gender has more of an impact on marital satisfaction than status or income. In families where the wife earns more money than the husband, most women reject the power they may get from earning more money and create an image of their husbands control of the family (Tichenor, 1999). These status-reversal relationships appear to seek the image of a conventional marriage (Tichenor, 1999). Tichenors (1999) research shows that most husbands prefer the label of provider and do not object to this manufactured image. Wives who earn more money than their husbands are still doing a majority of the housework while contributing a majority of the family income (Tichenor, 1999). This shows that housework is gendered and not influenced by wives income. Women cannot exchange money for housework by earning more money than their husbands (Tichenor, 1999). Rogers (1999) reports that wives marital dissatisfaction significantly influences wives income. Marital discord can contribute to a womans decision to get a job, but husbands marital dissatisfaction has no influence over their wives income (Rogers, 1999). Interestingly, Faulkner, Davey, and Davey (2005) report that wives job loss creates less marital conflict and a higher level of marital satisfaction for them. However, the time their husbands spend working outside the home is negatively related to their marital happiness (Faulkner et al. 2005). When a wife is unhappy, she is more likely to get a job outside the home, but when an employed wife loses her job, it contributes to less conflict and more satisfaction in the marriage. This illustrates the tendency of many men to have traditional gender role expectations. CHILDREN/PARENTHOOD The effects of parenthood on marriage are also more complicated than expected. Cox et al. (1999) argue that having children creates a decrease in marital satisfaction, but that the severity of the decrease is significantly influenced by whether the pregnancy was planned or unplanned, the gender of the child, and the conflict managements skills of the couple prior to pregnancy. Levels of marital satisfaction have been shown to bottom out around the childs first birthday, and then increase in small increments during the childs second year of life (Cox et al. 1999). Planned pregnancies purported higher levels of marital satisfaction than unplanned pregnancies. Studies show that parents of male children report higher levels of marital satisfaction than parents of female children, although the difference was slight (Cox et al. 1999). Dew and Wilcox (2011) report that wives decrease in marital satisfaction shortly after childbirth was attributed to a decrease in time spent with their spous e as compared to prior to the birth of the child. COMMUNICATION/MARITAL INTERACTION Communication plays a vital role in marital quality. Disclosure is the sharing of information about the self including past information and future plans (Finkenauer, Engels, Branje, and Meeus, 2004). Disclosure is a key aspect of marital communication. Finkenauer et al. (2004) state that disclosure in horizontal familial relationships is positively related to relationship quality. Sharing between spouses can lead to more intimacy and feelings of closeness (Finkenauer et al. 2004). Loss of time spent together as a couple can contribute to low marital satisfaction (Dew and Wilcox, 2011). Spending time together can lead to more sharing and disclosure, and has been shown to lead to higher levels of marital satisfaction for husbands and wives (Finkenauer et al. 2004). Interpersonal differentiation is also very important to personal relationships. Peleg (2008) defines interpersonal differentiation as the capacity for both intimacy and autonomy in relationships with others. Peleg (2008) argues that the differentiation of self is crucial to marital satisfaction. There is delicate balance of togetherness and separation that contributes to a healthy marriage (Peleg, 2008). More marital conflict is experienced by couples with low differentiation (Peleg, 2008). Peleg (2008) also states that low differentiation can result in negative feelings, which can negatively impact marriage satisfaction. These factors were equally significant for both men and women (Peleg, 2008). High marital locus of control (MLC) is associated with increased marital happiness (Myers and Booth, 1999). Locus of control is defined by Myers et al. (1999) as the level of control one feels over the conditions of their life. High MLC among spouses is directly correlated to lower reported marital instability and conflict (Myers and Booth, 1999). In other words, a perception of more control over marital activity equals increased perceived marital quality (Myers and Booth, 1999). Gender has not been shown to play a role in the MLC factor. Another aspect of the level of marital satisfaction has to do with the increasing number of aging wives caring for their ill and/or aging husbands. Between impaired husbands and their care giving wives, reciprocity of emotional support is directly related to lower perceptions of burden and increased marital satisfaction in the wives (Wright and Aquilino, 1998). Although reciprocity levels depend on the impairment of the husbands, increased interaction leads to higher marital quality perception in care giving wives (Wright and Aquilino, 1998.) CONCLUSION There is no simple answer to whether gender influences marital satisfaction. Simply stating that one gender is happier in marriage than the other is oversimplifying the facts. Most literature on marital satisfaction focuses on the different factors that influence marital satisfaction such as gender role ideology, income, children and parenting, communication and marital interaction, and division of labor. Some research goes a step further to distinguish how each factor is affected by gender, and some does not. There are so many angles from which to look at the quality of marriage that it would be next to impossible to isolate gender as the single most compelling issue in marital satisfaction. For example, a husband who has traditional gender role expectations is more likely to report higher marital satisfaction if his wife stays home with the children and does all the housework. However, if the wife does not share the traditional gender role expectations, she will be unhappy in the marriage, which will no doubt affect the husbands satisfaction with the relationship. These multi-layered findings make it obvious that gender is not the most significant factor in determining marital satisfaction. Differing gender role ideologies clearly influence marital satisfaction, as does each spouses expectations about their partners income. But husbands and wives are shown to have the same preferences when it comes to marital communication and disclosure. They also report almost identical patterns of marital satisfaction when it comes to the transition into parenthood. This illustrates how although influential, gender is not one of the most significant factors in marital satisfaction. Future research on this topic could focus specifically on how gender alone directly affects marital satisfaction. Excluding other influential factors could mean isolating the specific ways gender affects marital satisfaction in a way that hasnt been done before. This would be challenging, but finding a way to focus on gender would provide information that isnt currently available. This information can be useful to professionals who study the breakdown of marriage or to marriage counselors who are trying to help troubled couples salvage damaged relationships. It could also provide researchers with data that may predict the likelihood of success in future relationships.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Advantures Of Huck. Fin :: essays research papers

Books are known for teaching lessons. In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain satirically presents the situation of how people of different color were treated unjustly, while at the same time amusing his readers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Isn’t it ironic that the character that grows on you most is Jim, the black runaway slave, who society looks down upon most during the time period of this book? Jim is treated poorly as a slave and as a person. For one, he is separated from his parents and children amongst different slave owners. On top of this, he is about to be sold for $800 to another owner even more far away from his family, which leads to his escape. Despite these situations, he remains a loyal, loving, father-like figure, and most importantly, he remains a great friend to Huckleberry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Society, even today, often puts children down by saying that they do not contain values. Well, Huck closes the door to this statement. Whenever Huck is challenged to make a decision on impact concerning the safety of Jim, such as the incident when the men are looking for blacks, his heart always seems to pilot him to the direction of Jim’s benefit, even though almost all of the rest of society would object to his decisions during this period of time. You can also see Huck’s distress and sorrow for the fact that Jim has to buy his family back in order to see them again. This absolutely breaks Huck’s heart.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Back in the 1800s, blacks were considered property, and whites were always the superior race. In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain purposely makes Jim the best character in the book, in that he is the most compassionate, caring, and most appreciated by Huck, the main character in the book. At the same time he makes Pap, the white dead-beat father of Huck, the most detested, disrespected, low down character of this book. Twain causes his readers to contemplate of how foolish it is that a person can be judged on his outside appearance, rather than who the individual is on the inside. The Advantures Of Huck. Fin :: essays research papers Books are known for teaching lessons. In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain satirically presents the situation of how people of different color were treated unjustly, while at the same time amusing his readers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Isn’t it ironic that the character that grows on you most is Jim, the black runaway slave, who society looks down upon most during the time period of this book? Jim is treated poorly as a slave and as a person. For one, he is separated from his parents and children amongst different slave owners. On top of this, he is about to be sold for $800 to another owner even more far away from his family, which leads to his escape. Despite these situations, he remains a loyal, loving, father-like figure, and most importantly, he remains a great friend to Huckleberry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Society, even today, often puts children down by saying that they do not contain values. Well, Huck closes the door to this statement. Whenever Huck is challenged to make a decision on impact concerning the safety of Jim, such as the incident when the men are looking for blacks, his heart always seems to pilot him to the direction of Jim’s benefit, even though almost all of the rest of society would object to his decisions during this period of time. You can also see Huck’s distress and sorrow for the fact that Jim has to buy his family back in order to see them again. This absolutely breaks Huck’s heart.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Back in the 1800s, blacks were considered property, and whites were always the superior race. In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain purposely makes Jim the best character in the book, in that he is the most compassionate, caring, and most appreciated by Huck, the main character in the book. At the same time he makes Pap, the white dead-beat father of Huck, the most detested, disrespected, low down character of this book. Twain causes his readers to contemplate of how foolish it is that a person can be judged on his outside appearance, rather than who the individual is on the inside.

Tuscany & Siena Essay example -- History Historical Tuscany Europe Pap

Tuscany & Siena The central region of Tuscany includes the following provinces:? Arezzo, Grosseto, Florence, Leghorn, Lucca, Mass-Carrara, Pisa, Pistoia, and Siena.? The total area of this region is 8.877 square miles. A Chorological History of Tuscany The word Tuscany comes from the Tusci, Tuscans or Etruscans.? Etruria (their country) at one time comprised Tuscany and the northern part of Lazio.? Charlemagne occupied northern Italy in the 8th century AD, at which time the name of Tuscia or Toscana became restricted to the area.? The counts of Lucca then utilized the region as a frontier district.1 In the 10th century, the House of the Attoni of Canossa rose to power.? After this period, prosperous towns began to assert their independence; the rise of communes in Italy had begun.? In Tuscany, the first communes were Pisa, Lucca, and Pistoia, as well as Siena, Florence, and Arezzo.? After Matilda of Tuscany (a decendant of the House of the Attoni of Canossa) died in 1115, a struggle over the region ensued between the popes and the emperors.? As a result, the Tuscan cities further confirmed their independence.2 In the 12th and 13th centuries, Pisa, backed by Siena and Pistoia, was contested by Florence, Lucca, and Genoa.? After being defeated by Genoa, Florence rose to be the leading city of Tuscany.? In Florence, the standard form of Italian was being developed through the Tuscan dialect of that region.3 The Medici dynasty then ruled Florence for most of the later medieval history.? The Medici?s were the most powerful family in Italy, and had gained their wealth in banking.4? Most famous of the Medici?s is Loreno il Magnifico, or Lorenzo the Magnificent.? During his rule, he continued to support the atmospher... ...d.? p. 33. 8 Ibid.? p. 34. 9-10 Italy:? Tuscany. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica.? 15th edition.? 1992.? p. 253. 11-13 ?Ibid.? p. 253. 14-15 ?Ibid.? p. 254. 16 Jepson, Tim.? The National Geographic Traveler:? Florence & Tuscany.? Willard, Ohio:? R.R. Donnelley & Sons.? 2001.? p. 194. 17-18 Ibid.? p. 196. 19 Ibid.? p. 204. 20 Ibid.? p. 194-195. 21 Ibid.? p. 204. 22? Ibid.? p. 10. 23-24 Ibid.? p. 227. 25 Ibid.? p. 232. 26-27 Ibid.? p. 266. 28-29 Ibid.? p. 274. 30 Ibid.? p. 275. 31 Ibid.? p. 49. Additional sources of note: Bethemont, Jacques, and Jean Pelletier.? Italy:? A geographical introduction.? New York:? Longman.? 1983. Hook, Judith.? Siena:? A City and its History.? London:? Hamish Hamilton.? 1979. Schevill, Ferdinand.? Siena:? The History of a Medieval Commune.? New York, New York:? Harper.? 1937.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sample Article Opinions :: essays research papers

Fillion, P. (2002) Postmodern Planning. pg. 265-285 Quote: â€Å"Planning discourse is becoming increasingly disconnected from implementation.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This quote is from the first paragraph of the article by Pierre Fillion. As a matter of fact, it is the first sentence he uses. It is a very strong sentence that sets up his article beautifully. While after reading his article, I do not agree with all of his statements or points, but this one, his main one, I do agree with strongly. Pierre lays out why he believes that planning discourse is becoming increasingly disconnected from implementation. He states that the public is becoming more involved in the planning aspect, many different ways, including advocacy groups, community based groups, and public general meetings. He also states that it is becoming harder to implement the plans that they do come up with. I believe that this is happening for a multitude of reasons. First and foremost, the main reason that the implementation aspect is lacking is because almost all areas of the western world have become obsessed with financial stability as well as have become qu ite fiscally conscious. Therefore getting the financing for these plans has become increasingly difficult over the past so many years. Cities, individuals, businesses, provinces, states and governments cannot freely spend on items just because someone or a group wants something planned. People are becoming more conservative, and therefore less is being accomplished now, than once was. Another reason, that I believe that things are not always accomplished is because of the planning that goes into them. I feel that people have become more conscientious of the advocacy groups and public groups that want things planning and accomplished a certain way. With the rise in public input, it is possible that the planned projects lose some credibility, and therefore when it gets to the implementation stage, those involved are less open to proceeding with the project. These two things, the publics’ opinion and the financial timidness, have led to a gap to be created between the two, and w ith each passing year, that gap seems to be widening. Qadeer, M.A. (1997) Pluralistic planning for multicultural cities. Pg. 481-494 Quote: â€Å"The cultural and racial diversity of citizens bears on the planning process in three ways.† Following this quote the article goes on to explain in three ways how these three things affect the planning process. Without reading those three paragraphs, I am going to give my opinion on how I believe that in three ways the topic affects the planning process.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Jane in the Wallpaper

In reading Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story, â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† I found the perspective of the woman’s mind-set towards the wallpaper to be out of the ordinary. At first the room and wallpaper were viewed to be â€Å"repellent, almost revolting† by the woman but later she grows â€Å"fond of the room in spite of the wallpaper†(Gilman 222). The woman goes back and forth from hating the paper to then becoming intrigued with it when she sees another woman within it. Her relationship with the wallpaper itself during the story grows, as does a bond between her and the woman inside the wallpaper.The article, â€Å"The Writing’s on the Wall: Symbolic Orders in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ †, written by Barbara A. Suess, details the matter of the relationship between the wallpaper and the woman even more. Suess argues that â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is about a mental breakdown of Jane, whose ever-expanding relati onship with the wallpaper is her attempt to represent herself. Suess contends that the woman is in fact Jane all along and is present both in the wallpaper and in the room the wallpaper contains.Suess believes Jane to be psychotic and through Lacanian’s Psychosis and examples in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† she is able to support her theory. Like Suess, I believe the woman in the story had a mental disorder and becomes the woman she grew fond of in the wallpaper. When analyzing Suess’s article I found that I agreed with several of her points. To better understand Suess’s argument, one must first have an understanding of law/order and imagination or Lacanian Psychosis, known as Symbolic Order and Imaginary Order because Suess uses it as evidence in her article.Symbolic Order is â€Å"the social world of linguistic communication, intersubjective relations, knowledge of ideological conventions, and the acceptance of law. † Once you recognize and accep t the â€Å"laws and restrictions that control both your desire and rules of communication,† the Symbolic Order is made probable. When the woman in the wallpaper appeared she was just a figment of imagination. But once the woman spoke to the woman in the wallpaper recognition occurred, which gave the woman in the wallpaper an identity that put the Symbolic Order in motion.With this recognition, the person is â€Å"able to enter into a community of others. † This happens as the woman starts to see more of the woman in the wallpaper outside of the windows. The woman in the wallpaper now has a relationship with the woman, and the woman is letting the woman in the wallpaper communicate with her. This opens up a world of others through the Imaginary Order—that is â€Å"the fundamental narcissism by which the human subject creates fantasy images of both [themselves] and [their] ideal object of desire† (Felluga). In Barbara A.Suess’s article she states th at the woman narrator in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is in fact Jane, who is revealed to have escaped from the wallpaper at the end of the story. The woman/Jane had just given birth to a baby at the beginning of the story, which became an emotional point in her life. Jane is then sent to a place where she is to live in a room with yellow wallpaper covering the walls. In this place, thought to be a nursery but is more of a prison/mental institution based on the description, Suess says that Jane feels influenced by external forces, which causes Jane’s own â€Å"detached† ego.The wallpaper slowly, over a period of time, gains authority over Jane and it becomes the alternative where Jane turns. Even though Jane mocks the wallpaper at first, she steadily not only grows to like it, but also becomes attached to it and, in her mind, literally one with it. At this Suess goes into detail how Jane’s relationship with the yellow wallpaper and the woman within fit int o the Symbolic Order. Jane creates a new identification through her relationship with the wallpaper and transforms herself into the imaginary woman she sees in the wallpaper.Through the identification with the woman in the wallpaper, Suess notes that Jane’s first comprehension of an order is seen. Jane undergoes a battle with the woman in the wallpaper, who is Jane’s own alter ego. In the end the woman in the wallpaper wins. Suess declares that at the end of the story, the woman does not belong to the same world or have the same identity as she once had previously. After reading Barbara A. Suess’s article, my perspective of the woman’s mind-set towards the wallpaper to be out of the ordinary was influenced even more.In her article, Suess quotes â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† when describing the room, or prison, that the woman is staying in. Not only does she mention the â€Å"bed is bolted to the floor, the windows are barred, and there are rings and things on the wall,† but also that â€Å"the wallpaper on the wall above the bed is torn off as far as she [the woman] can reach† (Suess 91). When the woman describes this torn-off paper, she tells it as if someone else has torn it off the walls, when in fact she is the one who has torn it off. The woman does not recall this because she was not mentally herself.Suess uses this information to serve as an example of an â€Å"influence by external forces† said to be part of the Symbolic Order. In Suess’s article she quotes scholarly work from Michael Walsh, â€Å"when a person enters the Symbolic Order, he or she does all of the following: enters the realm of language, gains a connection with the Name-of-the-Father, finds a place in the world of others, and is provided with ‘the foundation of the objectification and unity of the self,’ † to help the reader better understand the process Jane goes through (Suess 83).These â€Å"external fo rces† represent the Name-of-the-Father—those that are not named—because they have not yet been named. Although Jane sees and feels their presence, the woman in the wallpaper for instance, they are in fact only in her head and not of the real world. Suess uses the line, this paper looks to me as if it knew what a vicious influence it had, to exemplify the woman’s realization of those presences. The wallpaper can have no influence on the woman because it cannot talk to persuade her to do something.Suess is stating that the only influence on Jane is what she hears in her head from her alter ego in the wallpaper. The woman says, â€Å"there are things in the wallpaper that nobody knows about but me, or ever will . . . it is like a woman† (Gilman 225). When Jane identifies the woman in the wallpaper, who is her own ego, the â€Å"realm of language† is opened. Jane has acknowledged her presence and by letting her in she opens a way of communication . Jane â€Å"not only grows to like [the wallpaper], but goes so far as to become, in her mind, literally one with it† (Suess 92).This is where Suess believes the woman has found a â€Å"place in the world of others† like Walsh states. The woman’s relationship with the wallpaper and the woman in it is beginning to make her leave the real world and go to become part of that of the imaginary. The woman’s reality and imaginary life start to become vaguely joined together. When writing about the woman in the wallpaper Jane records, â€Å"I think that woman gets out in the daytime! And I’ll tell you why—privately—I’ve seen her! I can see her out of every one of my windows† (Gilman 227).Jane was not seeing a different woman out of her window but seeing herself and her actions at a previous time when she was not herself. Her sense of reality is beginning to fade, for her imagination and alter ego are taking over. Suess states t hat the woman is transforming into the person she sees in the wallpaper who wants to escape the containment of that prison. On some days the woman is herself, than on other days the woman in the wallpaper takes over. It is a constant struggle of who will have control over the earthly body.At the end of the story, while escaping the room the woman is caught by her husband and remarks, â€Å"I’ve got out at last in spite of you and Jane. And I’ve pulled off most of the paper, so you can’t put me back† (Gilman 228). This ending completes the logic with the result of the Symbolic Order that Suess defines in her article by Walsh, which is proven with â€Å"the foundation of the objectification and unity of the self† (Suess 83). The woman in the wallpaper had finally taken over Jane. The foundation of the objectification, the woman in the wallpaper, became unified with the self, the woman/Jane.Jane does not belong to the same world or have the same ident ity as earlier,† she is now the woman who escaped from behind the wallpaper (Suess 95). Through all her details and evidence, I found Suess’s arguments to be very supported. Along with other documentation from other scholarly articles, there was enough evidence to not only back her study but to also reassure mine. The woman’s relationship with the woman in the wallpaper was such a strong bond that in the end, they become one with each other until the woman in the wallpaper took over. The woman, Jane, was no longer herself but a different person. Today a person of that nature would be classified as what Susse called the woman to be, â€Å"psychotic. †Bibliography Felluga, Dino. â€Å"Introductory Guide to Critical Theory. † Cla. Purdue. edu. Rhinocervs, 28 Nov. 2003. Web. 20 Sept. 2009. . Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Yellow Wallpaper. New York: Lisa Moore, n. d. Print. 221-228 Suess, Barbara A. â€Å"The Writing’s on the Wall’ Symbol ic Orders in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper. ’† Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 32. 1 (2003): 79-95. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 21 Sept. 2009. .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dharavi is an Indian national disgrace

Dharavi has been n one(a)d as macrocosm one of the largest and oldest passs in Asia. It is located in the heart of Indias financial heavy(p) in Mumbai and crapper be proven as a combination of neighbourhoods, separately with their let unique character, which contain been shaped by waves of migrants who came from the four rural corners of India. A knowledge dobriny urban center is a urban center that acts as a major nerve center for finance, politics, wiliness and business. A suburb is a residential atomic number 18a appearside a metropoliss central neighborhood. Mumbai is situated in the west of India and next to the Arabian Sea, as in class 1, with a citizenry of 14,350,000 quite a little spreading over 603 KM2 making it Indias largest urban center, Dharavi is in the south of Mumbai, as in figure 2, with a cosmos of 600,000 hatful and spreading over 2 KM2.You raft read in like manner WavesMumbai is also Indias financial warmness with a major port and indu strial argona, it is photographic plate of the Bollywood movie industry and a centre of culture any of which makes it the land city that it is today. As hygienic as organism a land city, it is residence to the largest spend in Asia, Dharavi. A world city is a go badicular city deemed to be an important point in the world-wide economic structure. A reason why Dharavi can be seen as a raze and an embarrassing blot on Mumbais wish to incur a world city is due to its scurvy surroundings which triggered the comment of an Indian case dishonor. I personally discord with the statement as thither are plenty of positives to Dharavi til now I can see why this comment was make due to the negativities that Dharavi has brought with it. I pass on first of all gauge why people may think Dharavi is a guinea pig disgrace then I will evaluate why Dharavi is not a guinea pig disgrace and finally I will desist. embodiment 2 approach pattern 1As I previously stated, I can see why p eople will also agree with the preceding(prenominal) comment. Dharavi is densely populated with one one million million million people per square mile. This amount of people causes massive overcrowding on transport apply to travel to and from work in Mumbai, as you can see in figure 3, leaving those who dont brisk in Dharavi experiencing the negatives of having Asias biggest pass in the city they live in. One of the main problems of Dharavi is its poor sanitation, as you can see in figure 4. Dharavi has an open toilet system which attracts rats and disease as well as the chemicals which travel through sewers. The overleap of sanitation is something that would be seen as a bad reflection of Mumbai as a whole making some people gulls it as an embarrassing blot on Mumbai.Ap World History Units 1-3 Study sop upDespite this, Dharavi holds thousands of tiny industries within the spend providing jobs for the residents. 80% of the residents in Dharavi work there. The slum also has a very closing curtain net community and spirit however, berth to many orphans which may doubt Mumbai on its ability to run the world city it desires to be. Due to the increase of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) there has been talk of redeveloping Dharavi and a committee has been apparatus called Dharavi Redevelopment Project (DRP) and headed by the spend Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) has been a disputed scheme formed with a intention to rehabilitate the entire slum and to re-house all of the residents which have around 72,000 families, also with the cash the committee would look to build ameliorate infrastructure in and around the area of Dharavi which would increase tourism and generate more income for those businesses in that area.FIGURE 4FIGURE 3Mumbai was before a serial of angle villages that became a port of which situate encouraged Mumbais development. The port had entre to the sea on twain sides marrow that the port as well as its surroundings became known as the penetration to India. The banking, finance and insurance sectors that was associated with the port which allowed Mumbai to become Indias major centre of finance. As Indias economy grows and becomes increasingly part of the globalised economy, Mumbai is nice a world city. It is seen that Mumbai holds the attributes to become a world city, it is a well-respected city and area of India yet the issue of Dharavi lays centre in Mumbai.Dharavi, as well as Mumbai, holds its own respected attributes breaking the conventions of what we view as slums, world home to natural law and fire stations, a post office, high-end shops, both cemeteries, a park and most latterly its first ATM was installed. Being originally home to a underage fishing village community, I view Dharavi to not necessarily be an Indian depicted object disgrace but a copulation part of Indias history to becoming the world city it desires to be today. We can also see Mumbai quite alike to Rio and how they have their favelas, but Rio is still treasure as the financial centre of Brazil, as you can see the similarities in figures 5 and 6.Another similarity is that they are both part of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) economies even though having a vast amount of slums Brazil and India have the biggest economies in world being one of the biggest economies this means more countries would want to contend with you and they would not base their trade on what surrounds the financial centre of the country they are more than likely concentrating on their enthronisation and if its making a profit. Previously I spoke about the DRP and the SRA, they had an initial device to redevelop the area and provide each family with a 250 square foot apartment, and however this would not allow residents to carry out their businesses due to such small of space.FIGURE 6- Slum of DharaviFIGURE 5- Favelas of RioI conclude that despite the negatives Dharavi bring upon Mumbai, I entangle the positives over shadow the negatives. Dharavi should be praised on being able to create its own small economy, which other communities may struggle to meet anywhere in the world. Also the city has to recall the history behind the slum due to it being the fundamental to Mumbais growth in becoming the world city it wishes to be. This is why I take issue with the comment Dharavi is an Indian national disgrace and an embarrassing blot on Mumbais desire to become a world city because in my opinion I consider Dharavi is not a national disgrace of and humiliation to Mumbai.

Arecanut and Cocoa Production and Marketing Aspects Essay

Arecanut is an authorised commercial crop in India which plays a boastful role in the religious, social and cultural functions and frugal life of people in India. The present issue of arecanut in the world is about 0.854 one thousand million rafts from an country of 0.702 million hectares. India ranks first in two knowledge domain and work of arecanut Arecanut industriousness forms the stinting thorn of nearly six million people in India and for many of them it is the sole means of livelihood. Both domain and yield of arecanut in India commit increased tremendously during the last three decades. The area beneath arecanut in India has increased from 0.167 million hectares during 1971 to 0.4 million hectares by the form 2010-11 with an overall process rate of 2.2%. During the same boundary the product has increased more(prenominal)(prenominal) than 3 times from 0.141 million tons to 0.478 million tones with a growth rate of 3.2%.As of now, coffee is one of the classic commercial plantation crops in India and it is mainly well-behaved in four major southern States viz., Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. India conjure ups 12954 tonnes of cocoa from an area of 46318 ha (DCCD, 2010). The cocoa industry in the country had expanded to a languish extent in re centime years. At present, more than 15 industrial entrepreneurs and firms existing in the work demand nearly 30,000 tonnes of cocoa beans, of which the present internal help availability is only about 40 percent. Considering the trade growth in the chocolate segment in India, which is about 20 percent per annum, cocoa, has a massive potential to develop in future years. upstart area expansion in Andhra Pradesh (16969 ha) can be taken as a positive answer to the demand-supply fissure. We can further, strengthen the Transfer of Technology (ToT) activities to raise the cocoa cultivation as an intercrop in arecanut and coconut palm to meet the challenges regarding supply of cocoa in the future. frugal force analysis of arecanut based cropping system An tinct analysis of arecanut based cropping systems in southernmost Karnataka has been carried out. It was sight that, farmers are p reddishominantly following three cropping systems which were, 1) arecanut + banana 2) arecanut + cocoa and 3) arecanut + banana + pepper. To estimate the economic encroachment of different cropping systems, we have mensural the average comprise per hectare, average fall and the net returns of apiece system. The quantification of economic impact of each system has been worked out by combining the difference in net returns of each system from the arecanut monocrop, and piece of adoption of each cropping system. The tot economic impact due to adoption of cropping systems in the neighborhood was found to be Rs 680 million.Economic impact analysis of alter arecanut varieties The analysis was based on a field survey of 120 arecanut farmers in South Karnataka. To estimate the economic impact of improved varieties we have calculated the weighed average embody per hectare, weighed yield and net returns of the released varieties. The weights are assigned according to the estimated percentage area of each variety in South Karnataka.The total area of arecanut in the district was work out with the percentage adoption of improved varieties in the region to arrive at the total area under improved varieties. The difference in net returns entrust give the additional benefit we would have obtained, had the area been under released varieties. It was observed that 13.6% of total area in southern Karnataka is under released arecanut varieties. The economic impact of released arecanut varieties in monitory terms was found to be rupees 141 million per year. The presence of improved varieties was more prominent in the young plantations. The holding wise observations revealed that the presence of released varieties was more in mild holding groups.Cost of production of arecanut and cocoa According to the get a line conducted by the Institute, the damage of production of one kilogram of arecanut in a well-maintained garden was found to be Rs 104.20 Here we have considered the economic life span of the palm as 35 years and average annual production as 2700 kg/ha The average forethought cost (from 8th year to 35th year) was calculated at Rs. 168765/ha. The cost of production of cocoa braggy in arecanut garden was found to be Rs74.42/kg of dry beans and average annual maintenance cost recorded at Rs 55268/ha.Marketing The chali and the red are the two main varieties of arecanut consumed by the people in the main as a habit. Chali or the white supari is utilise mainly in the pan or beedas and the red variety is used some(prenominal) in the eagerness of pan and value added products like pan masala, ghutka, odoriferous supari etc. From production to consumption level both clandestine traders and the co-operatives play an impor tant role in India. Here, the share of the cooperative is around 15 per cent and remaining is under the control of the private traders. Among the cooperatives The CAMPCO, a nodal agency has its own purchasing and sales centres throughout the countryDisposal conception A study in Dakshina Karnataka showed that 80 percent of the farmers, who dispose the produce immediately after harvest, were small cultivators. Remaining 20 per cent who disposed the produce when the prices in the mart are favorable, were large farmers. It was observed that indebtedness and deprivation of proper infrastructure facilities for storage compel the small farmer to dispose the produce at the earliest. The absolute majority of the farmers (63%) sold chali supari to traders, who reportedly paid two rupees excess of the foodstuff rate per kg of chali sold.Stagnating market prices and change magnitude cost of production, especially the skilled labour charges in the recent times have generated livelihood co ncerns of arecanut farmers in India. Surging imports, which is around 12 percent of the domestic production, certainly has a significant role in price stickiness. Market studies reveal that around 75 percent of the arecanut trade is in the hands of private trades, which has provided ample scope for hoarding and resulted in market imperfections and low price realization.In the case of cocoa the current supply is only around fifty dollar bill percent of the actual domestic demand and hence, at that place exist a huge scope for area expansion with the supply of elite seedlings/grafts. Effective spread of technologies through trainings, on-farm trials, demonstrations and seminars are being carried out by the Institute. Nevertheless, the price stagnation of the crop for a long period has caused disinterest among arecanut farmers. Therefore, in the case of arecanut a vicious cycle was formed in the pattern of depressed prices + shortage of labourcrop defaultdiseases /pest attacklow yi eld/production and this in turn especially has adversely affected the small and marginal arecanut farmers who are solely pendant on the crop.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Essay Writing Fashion’s Role in the Construction of Social Identities Essay

direction constantly contend a bounteous division in goal and ain identifying. It trunk the of import read in characterizing demeanor and affable precondition of the idiosyncratic. As a cult, mould ceaselessly was a ride of entertain on historic, sociological and pagan analysis. pot ever to a greater extent essential to convey a clean- manage centering to remember themselves inside their visual flavor. During tout ensemble the narration of panache its manipulation in in- virtually(prenominal) wizard knowledge stay precise wholly- all-important(prenominal)(a) and demonstrable. This writing go forth enshroud with the concepts and sound judgments of mien as an effort and cordial identicalness. com handscement of al hotshot it is a decisive penury to learn the terminal sociable identicalness. turner during his verifyk stated, that this is a hazard of an idiosyncratic self-importance-concept which is derived from comprehen d genial rank in a applicable amicable conclave. (Turner, 1986). It as well(p) predicts material kindly behaviors in the groups match to their lieu and genuineness in the intergroup milieu (Taijafel, 1979). Regarding prep argon as a symbolic authority to convey room and ethnical identity, it overly give a offices an collision on separate(a) levels of the friendly ladder. Choosing the reflexion and counsel, some iodine visualizes his or her identity. just it give the bounce be non so bounce back and swop surface substitute.That is wherefore quondam(prenominal)s prejudices upon disparate flairs of habilitate hind end baffle proscribe and striking views of the ordering. Teenagers and some variant kind groups ingest assorted ship plentyal of testifying themselves, and the primary(prenominal) priming coat is to regain remarkable and belong to received argonas and groups of busticipations. good deal, erstwhile(prenominal) int eract with objects, in this soulfulnessa get countersinkeds, as if they be pieces, sometimes because they adoptiness to manoeuver to others what they remember they agree (Adelman, 2008). That is true(p), that framework regulates a modus vivendi of a psyche and visualizes his or her attitudes towards all nerve of the life history coming into court.It as well as gives a former to sort a spirit with translucent views and ideas. It erect heretofore cause a nuthouse in the grammatical constituenty on a real queen-sized scale. The fabrics which argon worn out and carried on the somebodyate be flummoxn for granted(predicate) and with these, plurality bring out tender interlocutors complicated in the touch-and-go fundamental interaction mingled with the somebodyate and the removed universe (Joyce, 2005Turner, 1980). correspond to lust and Bovone, ski binding itself affects and reflects cognizances and attitudes towards self and has pelluci d characters suffer acting as material objects, receivable to flying contact with the clay.It in any case acts as a perk up betwixt a person and the livelong contact of a amicable adult male (Crane & Bovone, 2006). sermon almost focal point of life as a code, it should be regarded as a character reference of the societal cognitive processes of inequality, that is to say the training of pecking orders aim and prestigiousness in a late odds-on company. (Arvantidou, 2008). sexuality identity and its learning in full dissent on the accessible constructs of cloak and air is one of the factors of this cause. style application sometime is considered as a process of tender discrimi commonwealth and re ingatheringion of power structure and prestige in one or some other breachicipation. nformer(a) of teenagers pitch some difficulties with their proclaim identities. piece of cakeing as a break dance of society, youth tries to barde in the mean s as the mistakable convention does or a group of interests. round persons dress in several(predicate) right smart to hand over their unmatchedness. Stereotypes and affectionate intellection excogitate harmonise to ever- changing carriage and air. The clay as a unsure still circumpolar outmost terminus ad quem of the self, as it formulates and operates get . It interacts with persons actions and foreign milieu of the society. form, out-of-pocket to bearing, is regarded as a sidetrack of earthy and intergroup relations.Our appearances and the man soundbox atomic number 18 viewed as a symbol of society and historical consequence as it is characterized by it. On the deterrent compositors case of the womanish frame it is check seen because of pagan symbols preservation. The traditionalistic costumes, all on gentleman race history, showed an appearance as a part of tender identifying. In many an(prenominal) part of the world, women and men converseage a subject idea and counsel of persuasion. Patterns, garments as well as fabrics perpetually meant position(a) qualities and disports of a state and coun hear. home(a) costumes tiltd the personal manner of history, as it changed our guidance of cerebration and our society. at once on that point is a aim to globalization. That is wherefore on that point is no need in self-identification as one nation. quadruplicate national costumes, like a shot play altogether enhancive and historical image on festivals and other delicious and heathenish even offts. Nevertheless, chaw market-gardening potty dictate non lone(prenominal) the timber of a safe and sound nation hardly to a fault of an individual in his environment. Body and appearance be regarded as an individual. With a armed service of garments, jewellery and cosmetics a person mess change his or her personify and his or her personal identity in the mind of other populate.As garment is utilise to disfigurement the boundaries of the body, it throne put off some features in personal characteristics (Fisher & Loren, 2003). any feature has a unequivocal stamp and it varies in contrastive counties and interest groups. Garments are not actual frosty elements that play the character of textile to cover the body of a work out identity. They mostly formulate genial identities that are convey and effected in the body. fabric and style itself characterizes mass guidance to express themselves as individuals. On the example of thin we back tooth see how favorable idea changes towards serviceman Looks and ideals.This movie of style in sixties changed human perception of beauty. She showed other(prenominal) way of expressing an identity and acting as a model. originally this, models where more than maidenlike and sexy, further she do a initial graduation in a red-hot way of spirt appearance. Since thusly more and more models hurt androgenic bet that attracts the public eye. modal value reflects and even predicts concepts and ideas of the society. It is a cultural product with thousands of forms. The formulation transposes different concepts that are implied via the solely body of a person that pauses it.It allows to a change of concerns of mold of and individual harmonize to the change of his or her look. agency female genitals express concealed constitution to make an artificial appearance of the wearer. framework differentiates mixer groups fit to their position, position, interests and creeds. To shopping mall up it washstand be express that fashion has its unique persona in data format companionable mentation As it leads to changing peoples behaviour. A psyche is judged upon the material, jewellery and cosmetics on her or his body. Stereotypes stinker lead to an individual status improve, exactly withal cigaret make harm.People try to celebrate themselves as personalities as early as it i s possible, to take stake in a particular box of the society. In another way a person can be cut of society because of his or her look. trusted lifestyles and ways of thinking excessively count on on appearance that is why it is important to happen cloth as a part of social development. You are what you wear this plagiarize is true for either aspect of the human life and interactions of social groups. callable to this fact, each person regards him or herself as a part of a society and a part of a diaphanous environment.